Tips for Staying Fit With an Office Job
All of the individuals who work an office job in the 21st century will know that it leaves no time for physical exercise. Not only is sitting at a desk surrounded by screens all day bad for your back and your body in general, the long hours at work also result in a sedentary lifestyle. Furthermore, our hectic schedule often makes us dependent on unhealthy takeout food and caffeine, which wreak havoc with our metabolism and lead to weight gain. Therefore, those with a desk job really need to find some ways to lead a healthier lifestyle. These simple tips will help you in staying fit despite having very little time to spare for exercise and will protect your health from the ill-effects of an office job.
Walk Or Cycle To And Back From Work
Most of us have to commute to work at least 5 days in a week. Why not use this opportunity to exercise on our way to the office? Ditch the car and walk or cycle to and back from work instead. This will ensure that you get your daily dose of exercise without squeezing out time for the gym and is better for the environment too! Walking or cycling daily helps to boost the metabolism and prevents the layers of fat from piling up on the waistline. As an added bonus, the morning walking/cycling session will pump you up for the rest of the day and will make you feel more awake.
Make Adjustments To Your Diet
The two biggest culprits behind your expanding waistline are probably the multiple cups of coffee and the unhealthy cafeteria food that you consume at work. Look for quick and easy recipes that can be prepared in ten minutes so that you can bring a healthy lunch to work instead of grabbing a snack from the vending machine. Soups, salads, pasta, and sandwiches can be prepared quickly and in bulk and are extremely healthy if you add more vegetables and opt for whole grain ingredients. Also, carry some fruits and nuts for munching between meals and opt for herbal teas instead of coffee to keep you energetic throughout the day.
Stretch And Walk Every 45 Minutes
Sitting in the same position for endless hours can lead to back and neck pain and may give rise to severe issues over a period of time. There are various stretching exercises described on the internet that can be performed in an office cubicle. Take a quick break every 45 minutes or so to perform these stretches or take a short walk inside or outside the office. Use this opportunity to relax your eyes as well and focus them on a spot in the distance to reduce the strain of staring at a screen. These short breaks are not only good for your physical health but also improve mental alertness and will help you perform better at work.
Use Your Workplace Wellness Program
Most of us are so busy with our work that we forget to utilize the benefits that come along with it. Look into the workplace wellness program offered by your employer and use the same for discounted gym memberships, massage therapy sessions at a spa, and trips to wellness retreats. Many companies also tie up with nutritionists and mental health counselors who can help you manage your diet and work-related stress in a more effective manner. If your employer conducts annual medical check-ups in the office then do sign up for the same to stay up to date regarding your health.
These simple tips will help you improve your fitness levels despite having a job that requires minimal physical activity. Working in an office environment can cause several physical and mental health issues if you do not devote anytime to taking care of yourself. Do incorporate these small changes in your lifestyle to discover a healthier you and remember to pamper yourself from time to time, after all, you deserve it!
Walk Or Cycle To And Back From Work
Most of us have to commute to work at least 5 days in a week. Why not use this opportunity to exercise on our way to the office? Ditch the car and walk or cycle to and back from work instead. This will ensure that you get your daily dose of exercise without squeezing out time for the gym and is better for the environment too! Walking or cycling daily helps to boost the metabolism and prevents the layers of fat from piling up on the waistline. As an added bonus, the morning walking/cycling session will pump you up for the rest of the day and will make you feel more awake.
Make Adjustments To Your Diet
The two biggest culprits behind your expanding waistline are probably the multiple cups of coffee and the unhealthy cafeteria food that you consume at work. Look for quick and easy recipes that can be prepared in ten minutes so that you can bring a healthy lunch to work instead of grabbing a snack from the vending machine. Soups, salads, pasta, and sandwiches can be prepared quickly and in bulk and are extremely healthy if you add more vegetables and opt for whole grain ingredients. Also, carry some fruits and nuts for munching between meals and opt for herbal teas instead of coffee to keep you energetic throughout the day.
Stretch And Walk Every 45 Minutes
Sitting in the same position for endless hours can lead to back and neck pain and may give rise to severe issues over a period of time. There are various stretching exercises described on the internet that can be performed in an office cubicle. Take a quick break every 45 minutes or so to perform these stretches or take a short walk inside or outside the office. Use this opportunity to relax your eyes as well and focus them on a spot in the distance to reduce the strain of staring at a screen. These short breaks are not only good for your physical health but also improve mental alertness and will help you perform better at work.
Use Your Workplace Wellness Program
Most of us are so busy with our work that we forget to utilize the benefits that come along with it. Look into the workplace wellness program offered by your employer and use the same for discounted gym memberships, massage therapy sessions at a spa, and trips to wellness retreats. Many companies also tie up with nutritionists and mental health counselors who can help you manage your diet and work-related stress in a more effective manner. If your employer conducts annual medical check-ups in the office then do sign up for the same to stay up to date regarding your health.
These simple tips will help you improve your fitness levels despite having a job that requires minimal physical activity. Working in an office environment can cause several physical and mental health issues if you do not devote anytime to taking care of yourself. Do incorporate these small changes in your lifestyle to discover a healthier you and remember to pamper yourself from time to time, after all, you deserve it!
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